Below is a list of common questions doctors have when deciding to get WildSmiles. Don’t see a question you have? Send us a message.


Who wears WildSmiles?

44% of patients 14 and younger prefer WildSmiles over other appliance options, according to an independent study from The Ohio State University published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Among practices offering designer braces, an average of 30% of new patient starts select WildSmiles.


How does WildSmiles complement my current bracket system?

WildSmiles braces are manufactured for bonding on the U3-3 only. They can be ordered in sets of U3-3 or U2-2. They are offered as a mini-twin bracket with slot sizes of .018 and .022 and prescriptions of Roth and MBT. WildSmiles is designed to work with all treatment modalities, prescriptions, and slot sizes.


What about WildSmiles and clear aligners?

Young patients require fixed appliances to correct skeletal discrepancies and poor anterior alignment. WildSmiles is the ideal bracket solution for Phase One patients. Many providers present the WildSmiles collections along with colored ligatures as the only bracket choice for early treatment patients, reinforcing their commitment to young patient care. In fact, 70% of patients 11 and younger choose WildSmiles! When young patients can choose their braces it builds ownership and excitement for their entire orthodontic experience. Phase One orthodontics with fixed appliances provides a seamless transition into Phase Two, when the patient can select clear aligners.


What about WildSmiles and passive ligation brackets?

When young patients have traditional twin appliances on the maxillary anterior as part of a Phase One treatment plan, WildSmiles provides the ideal appliance solution. Many providers present the WildSmiles collections, along with colored ligatures, as the only bracket choice for early treatment patients. In fact, 70% of patients 11 and younger will choose WildSmiles! When young patients can choose their braces it builds ownership and excitement for their entire orthodontic experience. A two-phase treatment plan allows the doctor to bond passive ligation brackets in Phase Two, when the features can be more fully utilized.


What about hygiene?

Current providers suggest their patients demonstrate better hygiene with WildSmiles. WildSmiles bracket pads extend beyond the tie-wings. This unique design makes the shape stand out and ensures normal plaque accumulation rests on the pad surface instead of the tooth. Decreased plaque contact with the tooth surface helps keep the tooth healthy and safe from harmful bacteria that can cause decay. A fluoride rinse is recommended for all orthodontic patients.


Are identification, placement, and bonding similar to traditional brackets?

Yes. The mesial gingival tie-wing has the number 1, 2, or 3 inscribed, with color identification on the distal tie-wing. To accurately place the bracket, you must identify the vertical mark that runs incisal to gingival on the bracket floor (not the pad) between the mesial and distal tie-wings. When placed properly, the vertical mark should run along the long axis of the tooth and slot height should be placed as you would in your bracket system. Some providers choose to use a gauge to ensure an ideal bracket position. A color change bonding adhesive is suggested when bonding WildSmiles. The color change adhesive is also helpful if there are areas around the bracket where you would like to leave a coating of bonding material to minimize plaque contact with the tooth surface.

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